A short update on everything happening at the club, and what’s in store for the future!
Last Monday our Annual General Meeting was held at the Mindsports Centre. There was a good turnout and some lively discussion – a full version of the minutes can be found here. A summary of the key decisions that were voted through:
- Subs will be increased slightly next season to ensure members can continue to be offered a first class venue and a top-notch and varied programme of events
- A new role on the committee has been created – the Junior Officer, to be held by Jim Stevenson
- John White takes over from Bajrush as Chairman
- Chris Skulte takes over from John as PR and Events Officer
- Gastón Franco takes over from Chris as Officer without Portfolio
- Robin Sarfas takes over from Ben as Club Captain
- All other officers retain their positions
- The Hammer merchandise store has opened!
LCL Congress
The London League are hosting a 9-round ECF-rated Congress on Thursdays throughout summer – places are very limited so get in quick if you want to play!
Further details and the entry form can be found here.
Monday Night Hammer Events
We’ll be looking to put on some form of event every Monday night throughout summer. Here’s what’s arranged so far:
- 18th July: 5-round ECF-rated Rapid (10+5) Tournament. Sign up here
- 25th July: Chessboxing Challenge Match
- 26th September: Lecture from British #1 Grandmaster Michael Adams

Keep an eye on the calendar and WhatsApp channels for announcements of further events.
2022/23 Subs
Membership for 2021/22 ends at the end of August. We’d like to invite members to sign up for next season. Payment ahead of September is much appreciated to avoid the tedious work involved in chasing people up.
- Adults: £80 per annum
- Juniors: £50 per annum
- Concession: £50 per annum (for senior citizens, and unwaged)
- Women, Girls & Titled Players: £20 per annum
- Junior Hour Access: £35 per term (3 terms in a year) in addition to yearly junior membership
Payment can be made by electronic bank transfer or cash. Please see our bank details below:
Name: Hammersmith Chess Club
Sort Code: 40-03-21
Account Number: 91245120
Get in touch if you have any questions!