In what should be a truly captivating evening of Chess, Hammersmith Club players will be taking on Grandmaster (GM) Chris Ward in a 15 board simultaneous game at our Lytton Hall club venue (directions here) on Tuesday 2nd February from 6.30pm.

A former British Champion, Chris is currently ranked in the top 30 British players and has a wealth of published material on the game, including a number of books on the Sicilian Dragon and Queen’s Gambit openings.
Simultaneous (or Exhibition) games have a rich history amongst top ranked players, and have lead to some memorable exchanges with so-called lesser players. Bobby Fischer even included one game from an exhibition match (featuring the Evans Gambit), in his “60 Memorable Games” book. Hopefully one of the Hammersmith players can have a memorable evening!
This is a fantastic and rare chance to play against a master of the game and promises to be a highlight for the Club. The Fulham Gazette will be covering this occasion for the local press.