Puzzle of the Week #001

Ladies & Gents, fire up those chess computers and dust off those practice boards – we’re launching a Puzzle of the Week!

This is strictly for fun only – no prizes for getting it right, other than a swelling of pride in your performance and the unyielding respect from your fellow Hammerites.

To get things rolling, we start here with a  puzzle from 1900, of “intermediate” difficulty. White to move – have a think, and leave your solution in the comments. We’ll announce the winner in our next Puzzle of the Week post!

Good luck!!

10 thoughts on “Puzzle of the Week #001”

  1. How much time on the clock? 😀

    Be6+, Kh7, Bg8+, Kh8, Be6+, repeat etc. will seal a draw quickly if there are only milliseconds to spare…

    …yes, I’m too late to give the best answer!

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