Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Hammersmith Chess Club
Date: Monday 6th June 2016
Time: From 7pm
Location: Lytton Hall Home Venue

Ladies & Gentlemen, Members of the Club, our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 6th June this year. This is your opportunity as members to engage with, and shape the direction of the club. Please make every effort to attend.
As the club continues to evolve and grow, we will be looking to adopt our first proper Constitution this year. This is a small but important part of bringing the club fully up to date, open and transparent, and run for the benefit of all its members.
We will also have a full schedule of the usual annual updates from the Committee as follows:
- Matters arising from the previous AGM minutes
- Approval of those minutes by vote
- Reports from the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, PR Officer, Webmaster and Club Captain
- Questions from the floor for the reports will then be called for
- Once finished the reports will be accepted by vote
- The Treasurer will the present the Committee’s recommendation for the annual subscription for the forthcoming year outlining the reasons for the figures presented. The meeting will be asked to approve the subscription
- The election of Officers for the following year
- The appointment of an auditor
- The presentation of trophies and awards to recipients
- Any Other Business and the closure of the AGM
This will then be followed by an all encompassing Blitz Tournament to round the Clubs year off in style!
We’re really looking forward to it – hope to see you all there 🙂