Games & Analysis

Welcome to the Hammersmith Chess Club Games & Analysis library. Here are some interesting games with full analysis from our members.

  • 09.10.04Peter Morton (1824) vs. JS Murray (2075) – From the final round of the Guernsey Open some years back, could former Chairman and life member Peter Morton get a result against a much stronger player?
  • 01.07.75John Rogers (200) vs. John White (148) – Going back a few years to 1975, two stalwarts of the club took each other on in the Club Championship Game. Would it be a changing of the Guard?
  • 02.02.16 – Chris Ward GM (237) vs. Carsten Pedersen (195) – played as part of the 15 board simultaneous match at our club, Hammersmith player Carsten Pederson was the only club player to record a victory over Grandmaster Chris Ward