‘Weekly’ puzzle? No problem – here we go again…
Our last instalment was way back in March(!!). Yes, we have been slack – apologies!!!
Adam Cranston takes the plaudits there, picking the correct line to follow (Rg3!!), after 2. hxg3, Qe4, mate becomes unavoidable.
To our next puzzle – White to move and save him/herself: answers in the comments please:
This (apparently Sarychev A and K 1928) is v well known but also v pretty.
1. Ke6, Kf4 preparing the skewer, then 2. Kd5 and the black pawn is undependable?
If after 1. Ke6 black decides to push the pawn king can chase it. If bishop tries to protect c8=Q is always an option.
Ps. Can’t be that simple. I am sure I am missing something (on the train back to London).
After 1. Ke6 Kf4 2. Kd5 can’t black just play Bf5-c8?
If that bishop makes it to c8 I really can’t see a way white can make a draw – he’s not going to get the opposition and stalemate seems a bit farfetched.
Why not:
1. Kf6, Kf4
2. K c5, Bf5
3. Kb7, Ke5
4. Kxb7, Kd6
5. C8=Q, Bxc8
Black can simply defend with 3…Bc8
1. Kc8! b5 2. Kd7!
Black will now have to play two bishop moves. One to f5 to prevent promotion and one when the bishop gets attacked from e5. Then the white king catches the pawn!
Example continuation:
2…Bf5+ 3. Kd6 b4 4. Ke5 Bc8 5. Kd4 b3 6. Kc3 Be6 7. c8=Q Bxc8 8. Kxb3
That must be it! Awesome!!!
Essentially, the trick is seeing that attacking the bishop gains a tempo