Hammersmith had the pleasure of taking on Fulham Juniors this week at their home venue, the Brunswick Club on Haldane Road.
The Juniors are a truly thriving club. Under the inspired leadership of club manager Paul, they regularly see over 40 youngsters turn up to events, and have on occasion had over 50 turn up! We were delighted to have the chance to play some local up and coming masters!!
Despite the vagaries of the London Underground District Line causing a default on one board in the first game, we were able to produce a strong team over 6 boards for a 2-game event. It finished 6-6 overall, which is a credit to the youngsters – this after some unlucky performances saw at least 2 won positions end up lost for Fulham.
We were captained by our Chairman Bajrush, and our top club player Carsten was able to work wonders in the analysis room afterwards. Bajrush did at one point confess to cheering on the junior team! Not sure how we feel about that 🙂
Full results as follows:
Round 1:
Vignus Widdicombe (77) 0-1 Chris Moore (86)
Xavier Cowan (65) 0-1 Adam Cranston (147)
Tomas Le Rendu (68) 1-0 Shaun Gordon (-)
Samuel Le Rendu (74) 1-0 Graham Snow (76)
Mattias Le Rendu (43) 0-1 Richard Wingfield (-)
Luke Pakenham (47) 1-0 DEFAULT
Round 2:
Vignus Widdicombe (77) 0-1 David Lambert (121)
Xavier Cowan (65) 1-0 Chris Moore (86)
Tomas Le Rendu (68) 0-1 Adam Cranston (147)
Samuel Le Rendu (74) 1-0 Graham Snow (76)
Mattias Le Rendu (43) 0-1 Richard Wingfield (-)
Luke Pakenham (47) 1-0 Shaun Gordon (-)
Credit to Adam on our team for recovering well in both games after getting stuffed out of sight for most of the match! And a very good game from Xavier in the second round defeating Chris.
Thanks again to John and Paul for arranging. Fulham are a terrific club, their contact details below: